Its been about 24 hours since our last update in the bus station in Sudbury.
We borded the bus in Sudbury and just about every seat was full. We've been slowly losing people in the various towns across northern Ontario.
We've also picked up a few people as well but, most people have two seats to themselves now. The terrain we've seen the last few days has been beautiful and we're surpised how hilly northern Ontario is. We saw lots of trees, lakes, and rocks. There were some pretty neat looking cliffs too.
We have seen snow every where that the sun couldn't reach yesterday which was quite surprising. And, most small lakes were still covered in ice and snow.
Around Wawa we heard the bus driver beeping the horn so we jumped up and saw a big moose standing on the side of the road looking like he was going to cross.
Speaking of moose, I lost count of how many Moose Crossing signs we seen in the past day.
We had a rest stop at an A&W in White River - The proud birthplace of Winnie the pooh. Here I learned that Winnie was actually a girl, though I'm still not convinced. Patricia also coerced me into eating a baby tomato - which I an safely say I still don't like - as evidenced by my facial expressions right after eating it(The things that amuse us after 30 hours on a bus :P).
In Marathon, ON we saw gas at 149.9! Thankfully our bike doesn't need a drop of that liquid gold. We also spent an hour in Thunder Bay's bus terminal which wasn't to eventful besides me spending the entire stop on the toilet(too much information?).
We seem to be getting better sleeping on the bus which is good and makes for a quicker and more enjoyable ride. Patricia wasn't feeling too good last night(a little nauseous) and that wasn't helped by the girl two seats in front puking into a bag several times during the night and the smelly smokers who suck back a cigarette every rest stop and then stank up the bus.
Oh, and we've played just about every road game/paper game we can think of so if you have any suggestions let us know. What we've played so far is: Tic Tac Toe, Dots, Hangman, Circle Game, Alphabet Game, Maze Drawing, and Someword guessing game I made up
We're currently on the Highway somewhere between Kenora, ON and our next stop in Winnipeg, MB. I just woke up and Patricia woke up from the flash when I took this picture:
I think we slept through the Ontario-Manitoba border because now the highway looks like this:
Flat, straight, and boring :P
Sorry, we lost the comments from earlier on this post by accident when we were adding the pictures.
ReplyDeletenatalius post numero tres:
ReplyDeletepatty, the picture of you sleeping is going to be plastered around the office. you look so magical i need to share it with everyone. so you're still not in BC. that's insane. by the time you get out there you won't have time to ride back! jess and i did the kickboxing class with one other lady and the instructor. you're missing out on private lessons and mini dance parties at the gym. miss you!!!!
glad to see you are getting some sleep LOL Patricica you have to get your hands on that camera soon!!!
ReplyDeletewow sure do have a lot of hits on your site
love mom and dad R
flat straight and boring, you should love that chris, should remind you of your girlfriend :D